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Highway Remodeling: Harnessing Georeferenced Data for Procedural Modeling
M. Noriega, J. Ribelles, A. Seoane, M. Martinez, J. Taibo, J.A. Iglesias-Guitián
VI XoveTIC Conference, 2023
This paper introduces a novel procedural modeling system for generating 3D highway models, leveraging real-world data inputs such as highway layouts and manual annotations of essential elements. Our highly parameterized system...[more]
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Modulating the gameplay challenge through simple visual computing elements: A cube puzzle case study
Jose Ribelles, Angeles Lopez, V. Javier Traver
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, IJIMAI 2022
Positive player's experiences greatly rely on a balanced gameplay where the game difficulty is related to player's skill. Towards this goal, the gameplay can be modulated to make it easier or harder. In this work, a modulating mechanism...[more]
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Spherical panorama compositing through depth estimation
Miguel Saura-Herreros, Angeles Lopez, Jose Ribelles
Computer Graphics International & The Visual Computer, CGI & TVC 2021
In this paper, we propose to work in the 2.5D space of the scene to facilitate composition of new spherical panoramas. For adding depths to spherical panoramas, we extend an existing method that was designed to estimate relative depths from a single perspective image...[more]
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BUILDUP: Interactive Creation of Urban Scenes from Large Photo Collections
Jose Ribelles, Diego Gutierrez, Alexei A. Efros
Multimedia Tools and Applications, MTAA 2017
We propose a system for creating images of urban scenes composed of the large structures typical in such environments. Our system provides the user with a precomputed library of image-based 3D objects, such as roads, side-walks and buildings, obtained from...[more]
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Depth from a Single Image through User Interaction
Angeles Lopez, Elena Garces, and Diego Gutierrez
Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, CEIG 2014
In this paper we present a method to obtain a depth map from a single image of a scene by exploiting both image content and user interaction. Assuming that regions with low gradients will have similar depth values...[more]

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